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Conferences, Papers, & Lectures








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Southwestern Political Science Association, “Democratization and the Property Qualification for Voting: the New England States,” with Justin Moeller, Austin TX, April 2017.

Southern Political Science Association, “Democratization and the Property Qualification for Voting: the Southern States,” with Justin Moeller, New Orleans, January 2017.

Southern Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on “Policy Environments and Federalism,” New Orleans, January 2017.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on “Policy and Time: Dynamics, Trends, and Developments,” San Diego, March 2016.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on “Historicizing Party Politics: Partisan Posturing and Dramatic Turns,” San Diego, March 2016.

American Political Science Association, “Without Content: Political Opinion and the Trends in Romanian Government Expenditures,” with Cosmin Gabriel Marian, San Francisco, September 2015.

Society for Romanian Studies, "Political Incentives and the Bias of Government Expenditures in Romania" with Cosmin Gabriel Marian, Bucharest, Romania, June 2015.

Mustang International Conference, "Anticommons and the Coase Theorem," with Ivan Major, Las Vegas, February 2015.

Central and East European International Relations Association, 10th Convention held at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 2014.

Doctoral School of Political Science, University of Bucharest, Invited Keynote Address: "Democratization in Romania: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis," International Interdisciplinary Conference, The Challenges of Transition: The Post-Communist Experience(s), May 2014.

American Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel organized by the Society of Romanian Studies, New Orleans, August-September 2013. 

Center for the Study of Democracy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania. "Politics in the Anticommons." Conference on The Crisis of Political Trust in Post-Communist Democracies, June 2013.

Midwest Political Science Association, "Stalemate and Electoral Rules in Romania," Chicago, April 2013.

Midwest Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel on "Democracy and Its Discontents in East Europe," Chicago, April 2013.

American Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel organized by the Society of Romanian Studies, New Orleans, August-September 2012.  (conference canceled due to Hurricane Isaac)

Southwestern Political Science Association, "One Version of the Anticommons Problem, with political implications," with Cosmin Gabriel Marian and Ivan Mayor. San Diego, April 2012.

Southwestern Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "Institutional Dynamics and Administrative Responsibility." San Diego, April 2012.

American Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel organized by the Society of Romanian Studies, Washington DC, September 2011.

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political Science, Democracy Lecture Series, "On Triage Democratization," Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 15, 2011.

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political Science, Faculty and Graduate Student Seminar, "Overview: what we know and what remains to be known about Romanian elections and electoral behavior," Sponsored by a Romanian National Research Grant, CNCSIS-UEFISCU, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 16, 2011.

Southern Political Science Association, "Minority Representation and Reserved Legislative Seats in Romania," with Cosmin Gabriel Marian. New Orleans, January 2011.

Southern Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel on "Institutions and Policy Development in the United States." New Orleans, January 2011.

American Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel organized by the Society of Romanian Studies, Washington DC, September 2010.

Conference in Honor of Emil Boc, Prime Minister of Romania, upon the Awarding of an Honorary Degree by Michigan State University, "Democratization in Eastern Europe," East Lansing, May 2010.

Social Science History Association, Roundtable on "The New Fiscal Sociology," Long Beach, November 2009.

Social Science History Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "Politics and the West," Long Beach, November 2009.

American Political Science Association, "A Tale of Two Palaces: Semi-Presidential Government and Strategic Conflict in Romania." with Cosmin Gabriel Marian, Toronto, September 2009.

American Political Science Association, Chair, Panel on "Experts in the American Polity," Toronto, September 2009.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "Constitution and American Identity," Vancouver, March 2009.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "Development of Policy Capacity," Vancouver, March 2009.

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political Science, Democracy Lecture Series, "Interpreting the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections," Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 11, 2008.

International Workshop on the Effects of International Labor Migration on Political Learning, Organized by the Center for the Study of Democracy, Babes-Bolyai Univesity, "Conclusion Comments:  Thoughts on Research Methodology and the Political Effects of Labor Migration," Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 6-7, 2008.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "(Re)Constructing America," San Diego, March 2008.

Western Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel on "The Politics of Citizenship and Identity," San Diego, March 2008.

Central European University, Budapest.  "The Politics of Democratic Expansion and Contraction." June 4, 2007.

University of Texas-Austin, American Politics Speaker Series, "Narratives of American Politics," March 26, 2007.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "State Building and Government Capacity," Las Vegas, March 2007.

American Political Science Association, "Roundtable on Shapiro and Graetz’s Death By A Thousand Cuts," Philadelphia, September 2006.

Western Political Science Association, "Party Politics and the Popular Franchise: Removal of the Property Qualification and the Democratization of America," with Justin Moeller, Albuquerque, March 2006.

Western Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "Polity and Politics in Social Policy," Albuquerque, March 2006.

Thomas Paine – Common Sense for the Modern Era, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "The Right of Revolution and the Legitimacy of Governments," San Diego, October 2005.

University of California, Irvine, Colloquium Series, "Narratives of American Politics," May 6, 2005.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Colloquium and Seminar Series, "Narratives of American Politics," April 14, 2005.

The Science of Politics, Sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought, Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the American Political Science Association, "American Political Science in Post-Communist Europe:  The Case of Romania," New Orleans, January 2004.

American Political Science Association, Chair and Discussant, Panel on "Welfare State Development in Comparative Perspective," Philadelphia, August 2003.

American Political Science Association, Discussant, Panel on "Ideas, Identity and Culture: Romania in the Broader European Context," Philadelphia, August 2003.


American Political Science Association
Midwestern Political Science Association
Western Political Science Association
Northeastern Political Science Association
Southern Political Science Association
Southwest Social Science Association
Louisiana Political Science Association
Social Science History Association
Law and Society Association
American Society on Aging
American Politics Group, Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom
Romanian Society of Political Science
American Social Science Institute, Sibiu, Romania
Faculty of Political Science, Bucharest University, Romania
Colocviul National de Stiinte Politice, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Scoala Nationala de Statistica Sociala, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Centre for Comparative Welfare State Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark
Arhus University, Denmark
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Conference on the Presidency of John F. Kennedy, UCLA
Hofstra Presidential Conference: John F. Kennedy
Hofstra Presidential Conference: Gerald R. Ford
Shell Oil-Junior Faculty Forum


San Diego Community
Fulbright Association of San Diego, “How to Interpret Election Results,” October 2016.

Coronado Democratic Club, Guest Speaker, “How a Political Scientist Views the Election,” September 2016.

Our World Lecture Series, Casa de las Campanas, “Uneven Democratization: the Expansion of Democracy into Eastern Europe,” April 2016.

World Affairs Council, North County, “Form and Substance in Eastern Europe: How democracy is (not) working” October 2015.

Rotary Club of Carlsbad, "Nationalism and Nation-States in South Eastern Europe," November, 2014.

La Mesa-Foothills Democratic Club, Guest Speaker, "The Growing Income Gap," August 2013.

KOGO Radio Townhall Discussion: On Leadership. March 2012.

Fulbright Association, San Diego Chapter, "An Afternoon of Fulbright Experiences," Organizer and Panel Moderator, November 2007.

Fulbright Association, San Diego Chapter, "An Evening of Fulbright Experiences," Invited Panelist, February 2007.

Continuing Education Center of Rancho Bernardo, "The Politics of Taxation – Who Pays and Why?" September 2005.

California State University, San Marcos, Invited Speaker: Chair Workshop. August 2005.

Western Cargo Conference Annual Convention, Keynote Luncheon Speaker, "Insights into a Pivotal Presidential Election," October 2004.

La Jolla Playhouse, Panel Discussion with Audience, regarding issues raised by "Continental Divide," June 2004.

American Civil Liberties Union, San Diego Chapter, "Voting Rules and Voting Rights," April 2004.

San Diego State University
"Economic, Social, and Political Inequality:  A Challenge for America's Future" Weber Honors College Lecture Series, November 2015.

Fulbright Pre-Academic Lecture Program, American Language Institute, August 2015.

"Election 2012," Office of Educational Opportunity Programs,

October 2012. "Inequality in America," Millennial Conference sponsored by F.A.C.T. (Fostering Activism for Community Transformation), April 2012.

Moderator, Teach-in, "The Israel-Gaza Conflict," January 2009.

Moderator, – Forum on the Foreign Policy Challenges Facing the Incoming President,
November 2008.

Moderator, Teach-In, "The Historical, Political and Moral Dimensions of U.S. Torture Policy," October 2006.

Moderator, Teach-In, "The Ongoing War in Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine:  How Did It Happen?  How Will It End?" July 2006.

"The Truth About the Iraq War," Faculty Panel with Dinesh D’Souza, December 2005.

"To Ratify or Not to Ratify," Faculty Panel Discussion in Celebration of Constitution Day, September 2005.

"Human Rights Abuses," Faculty Panel Discussion sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, March 2005.

"2004 Post-Election Analysis," Faculty Panel Discussion sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, November 2004

"Imagining Democracy," Crisis Carnival, October 2003

Last Updated 1/26/17
The information on these pages represents that of the author and not that of San Diego State University. The author takes full responsibility for the information presented.
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